Monday, May 25, 2009

The New Stretch Mark Treatment: Surgical Procedures

Stretch mark can make a person feel insecure about his or her body. Skin scars can appear everywhere from the abdomen and stomach to the arms and leg areas. The sad thing is that no amount of diet and exercise can rid a person of these scars. Instead, one can invest in a natural stretch mark treatment like using creams with Vitamin A or E in them or can try some new stretch mark treatment surgeries that are becoming more and more popular. The following includes some background information about new stretch mark treatment options and what you can expect.

General Overview of New Treatment Options

There are two main types of new stretch mark treatment options: laser surgery and surgical treatments like tummy tucks. These treatments are a great way to lessen the severity of stretch marks. Additionally, these marks are generally a sure bet. When it comes to new stretch mark treatments, they tend to be more effective, especially for darker colored scars or those that are especially deep. However, these treatments may also be more expensive. Additionally, it's important to know that many health insurance plans do not cover cosmetic surgeries.

Laser surgery

A new stretch mark treatment that has emerged and is becoming more and more popular is laser surgery. This treatment is made to help scars fade. Additionally, the laser surgery is particularly useful for stretch marks that are especially dark in color. These treatments are great for stretch marks that are dark shades of red or brown. Though laser surgery will still work on lighter shades of stretch marks but will not be as effective as it would be on darkly colored scars.

When it comes to this new stretch mark treatment, it may take a few treatments to achieve the desired effects. Recovery time for laser surgery is anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Immediately after the treatment, an individual may experience some swelling and inflammation around the area of the treated stretch marks. This new stretch mark treatment may also result in some blistering.

Another new stretch mark treatment are cosmetic surgical procedures like tummy tucks. The weight gains and losses and pregnancy that cause stretch marks can result in weakened abdominal muscles and loosened or excess skin. Thus, a tummy tuck is a procedure that can remove excess skin and stretch marks as well as help a person lose some weight. It is during a tummy tuck that the skin is pulled downward to alter the shape and size of the stomach region.

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